Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Today I was approved to do live painting at my Art of Disney gallery signings!  Very exciting.  The plan is do a series of simple 14x14, oil on canvas portraits.  This way things can happen quick and the guest will hopefully not get too bored.  It may not happen this week at Epcot but should be up and running on my next Epcot visit of March 26-30.  These are my first two of twelve villains that are in the works.


A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking a 2 day workshop with George Scribner.  Very impressive resume and I have been gawking at his Disney paintings for months for his bold, plein-airish brush work and full rich colors.  George is a wonderful guide into uncomplicated and painless painting.  Check out the transformation of my paintings in such a short period of time.  What I heard from him was (1) VALUES  (2) use the biggest brush possible for as long as possible and (3) utilize a limited palette (of which I had never attempted).

Assignment 1:  monotone sketch, looking for values and bold shapes.

9x12 masonite, gessoed and then grey toned.  Water soluble oil, not a big fan from my first use - takes a lot of water to get them "working", they don't seem to be able to clean from out of your brushes and 2wks later they are still wet.

Assignment 2:  paint still life with full color palette, 9x12 split, smaller space, larger brush

Assignment 3:   9x12 split, limited palettes: left: cad yellow, cad red and ultramarine.  Rt side: yellow ochre, alizarin and ultramarine.  I loved the limited palette and the amount of colors we can pull from them

Linda and The Art Room were great, creative hosts - the best I have experienced AND we got fed lunch both days!

Monday, March 10, 2014


It's time to go play at the Epcot.  I will be signing this Wednesday through Sunday 1:00 to 9:00ish at the Art of Disney gallery.  If you get a chance come say hi!

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Just a tease of the painting that is on the easel now.  Hopefully the orig and prints will be available within a few weeks.


Welcome to the first day of my long, overdue blog!